Made with Love

A good problem to have???


Senior Member
Dec 19, 2009
I had lofty goals this year in regards to hobbying. I was right on pace all winter and most of Feb. 2-3hrs of fun a week on average. Now here's my problem. Since early Dec. I got this one fuck friend that I see once a week or so. On St. Patty's day, I met this super fine lady who can't keep her hands off of me.

It's been crazy fun in the sack but she seems to be wanting to move to the realtionship phase. I've seen her 8/10 past days and it's getting really time consuming. I can't even hobby properly as I fear I gotta perform for her later in the evening. My F buddy is getting pissed as i cancelled on her twice recently. Maybe I should start popping vitamins and service both of them?

Trying my damndest to keep it casual but show her that I care. Any suggestions how I can cool it off a bit with the new girl without losing her?
toocooldude said:
How do you feel about her, like/love or just friends?.

She's awesome but I'm not in the right frame of mind to go into a long term relationship right now. Sounds nuts right? I know I can hobby on the side in any relationship but I don't want to be tied down just yet.
You call that a problem?, give her my number I will help you out dude.:)
I had a fuckbuddy couple years ago. Its not easy to keep up with some of them. She was total freak, she wanted to fuck everywhere. I started to lose weight for god sakes to try to keep up with her. You can guess it didnt go well after couple months and i had to leave her alone. Its not easy pokerdude, eat lots of seafoods and try your best, but dont let it go over your head.
Before replying mind me asking how old you are and have you been married or in a serious relationship before.
Does she give good head 8-). Seriously it seems you like variety why you hobby so much. Dude don't break her heart if you do not want a serious thing end it now.
Iambad said:
Before replying mind me asking how old you are and have you been married or in a serious relationship before.

Ended a 5+ yr relationship not too long ago. I feel a bit like Dexter, I live a double life. In my 30s but loving 20ish girls.

If this chick was Bi, I'd be all over it. Sadly she's not...
Macroline said:
I had a fuckbuddy couple years ago. Its not easy to keep up with some of them. She was total freak, she wanted to fuck everywhere. I started to lose weight for god sakes to try to keep up with her. You can guess it didnt go well after couple months and i had to leave her alone. Its not easy pokerdude, eat lots of seafoods and try your best, but dont let it go over your head.

Keeping up is not the problem. It's the 4+hrs I spend with her almost everyday. I swear, she'll have a drawer in my place in no time flat.
forestgrumpy said:
Does she give good head 8-). Seriously it seems you like variety why you hobby so much. Dude don't break her heart if you do not want a serious thing end it now.

Variety is EXACTLY why I hobby so much. Once I have kids with the right lady, I might...I repeat might hang it up. Then once she gains 50 lbs and stops giving a shit, I'll be right back in :razz:
PokerDude said:
Keeping up is not the problem. It's the 4+hrs I spend with her almost everyday. I swear, she'll have a drawer in my place in no time flat.

I would like to suggest something radical - the truth.

Tell her that you are really into her but that you just got out of a long relationship and not ready right now for a serious relationship. You would like to take things slow and see where that goes.

This way you will be fair to her (eventhough you risk losing her). If she wants a relationship right now and you are not ready to give her that ... you should cut her loose. If she understands and is willing to wait then hopefully this solves your problem.

You say that you are in your thirties ... then it is about time to make grown-up decisions.
Just my two cents.
PokerDude said:
I swear, she'll have a drawer in my place in no time flat.

Yup before you know it she will be leaving make up, extra cloths etc... in your pad. Frank has some valid points. Tell her kind of the truth that you just ended a relationship blah blah blah and need your space.

Also don't have kids at an old age you want to enjoy their teenage years they are fun trust me.
frankpost said:
I would like to suggest something radical - the truth.

Tell her that you are really into her but that you just got out of a long relationship and not ready right now for a serious relationship. You would like to take things slow and see where that goes.

This way you will be fair to her (eventhough you risk losing her). If she wants a relationship right now and you are not ready to give her that ... you should cut her loose. If she understands and is willing to wait then hopefully this solves your problem.

You say that you are in your thirties ... then it is about time to make grown-up decisions.
Just my two cents.

I've been up front with two other ladies I was seeing. One took it well, the other called me a player. I'm just enjoying my time without having to answer to anybody. This latest girl I'm with, I can see it either burning so hot that it burns out or she'll ask,"where's this going?", which puts the clock on things. I'll just enjoy things as they are right now and make a gametime decision when the time comes.

Grown up enough?
Beenthere123 said:
Yup before you know it she will be leaving make up, extra cloths etc... in your pad. Frank has some valid points. Tell her kind of the truth that you just ended a relationship blah blah blah and need your space.

Also don't have kids at an old age you want to enjoy their teenage years they are fun trust me.

I understand your point on the kids, my mental deadline is 40 for my first born. That way, when they are off to univeristy, I'm in my 60s and when they have grandkids, I should be in my 70s. When they get divorced, I should be dead by then.
king21 said:
Dude, If I had a FF, I wouldn't be hobbying, you are very lucky!!

It just kind of fell into that. We dated a couple of times, got it on, told her I wasn't looking for a girlfriend. She thought I was a good lay so I see her once a week or so. No real strings which is cool. It's not like a booty call, I can't just txt her and say I want her now. We schedule things and set aside a couple of hrs to play.
PokerDude said:
It just kind of fell into that. We dated a couple of times, got it on, told her I wasn't looking for a girlfriend. She thought I was a good lay so I see her once a week or so. No real strings which is cool. It's not like a booty call, I can't just txt her and say I want her now. We schedule things and set aside a couple of hrs to play.
That sounds like a very good thing indeed. I would have to concur with the guys telling you to just be honest and up front with the new girl that is "Moving In". If she is realllllly into you she won't go anywhere and will probably try harder to stay with......
PK do you find her attractive, is she smart and are you both compatible to each other?.
PD sex after a few years with same partner becomes dull if she makes you laugh and makes you feel good you should keep her and hobby after you are bored but she will always be your partner friend.
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