Made with Love

Best Kisser SPs!!

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rileyroyal said:
right it only about guys having thier meat market list. this place is starting to smell like another board.

Oh my god Riley! No wonder why that "other board" doesnt want you there anymore!

Someone please put her in one list! or she wont stop hijacking the threads!

Second thought.. here is new list Riley.

Best Kisser : Riley Royal
Best SP : Riley Royal
Best of the best : Riley Royal
Best of the best and very best: Riley Royal
Greatest Sp of the century : Riley Royal
Its all about me SP: Riley Royal

List will keep continue!

Happy now Riley? Now stop hi-jacking the threads!
Dapperdon said:
Ok so now to steer back to the OP's topic let's add a twist ..seems we all love dfk but is it a deal breaker ? ..
For me it just helps take things to the next level and is very intimate so if its not offered its like something important is missing

Not a deal breaker for me....but NO kissing certainly is. LFK is okay and can be fun if the girl's attitude is good, but all to often I have had the impression that LFK is only offered so that the provider can meet the GFE criteria and is delivered with little or no real passion.....I like LFK best when it leads into some hot a "Real GFE"....
rileyroyal said:
Everything is a damn judging contest.

I don't know about that Riley.....seems to me that this thread was started for the membership to state whom they each felt was the best kisser amongst the SP's they have seen. There are plenty of feel good threads in the Lobby, plenty of discussion threads as well.

No need for the neg vibes is there?
JackassJack said:
Oh my god Riley! No wonder why that "other board" doesnt want you there anymore!

Someone please put her in one list! or she wont stop hijacking the threads!

Second thought.. here is new list Riley.

Best Kisser : Riley Royal
Best SP : Riley Royal
Best of the best : Riley Royal
Best of the best and very best: Riley Royal
Greatest Sp of the century : Riley Royal
Its all about me SP: Riley Royal

List will keep continue!

Happy now Riley? Now stop hi-jacking the threads!

ATTENTION MONGER of the year: Riley Royal

Now back to regular programming.
Why you guys keep repling Riley's posts? It will not make any difference. She is who she is and she wont change anytime soon at least not in our life frame.
Riley's Thread!

Riley's Thread!

Girl to least get a call!
Knight Rider said:
Robyn @ GOE.

We DFK'ed throughout most of the appointment.

I concur, Robyn's passionate technique with that studded tongue of hers was absofuckinglutly amazing !

however i'm also a big fan of tongue sucking too, i'd like to try Tyler @ RM

great thread !
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