Made with Love

Clockwatchers. The worst SP's

Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's


Sad part is that it's one of there best advertising tools and cost them nothing . Give a guy his full time and he feels
special and tells his freinds . Cheat a guy out of 5 minutes and he feels ripped off and yes he also tells his friends but
it's not a message that will incease a girls business .

Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's

smylee52 said:

Sad part is that it's one of there best advertising tools and cost them nothing . Give a guy his full time and he feels
special and tells his friends . Cheat a guy out of 5 minutes and he feels ripped off and yes he also tells his friends but
it's not a message that will increase a girls business .


Great point Smylee, thank God for review boards where we can exchange stories.
Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's

smylee52 said:

Sad part is that it's one of there best advertising tools and cost them nothing . Give a guy his full time and he feels
special and tells his freinds . Cheat a guy out of 5 minutes and he feels ripped off and yes he also tells his friends but
it's not a message that will incease a girls business .


This is so true and so easy for them to fix. Usually if you are a repeater they become more concerned that if you drift away it will hurt in the pocket so you gradually get more time and more milage but one girl said to me, "ok but for many guys if I give an extra 10 minutes next time you want 20, if I give 20 next time you want 30 so you and I are clear I like you and if there is nobody else coming your hour with your tip is 90 minutes but a real 90 min no more and no more SOGs than you can do in the first hour, the rest is pillow talk ok? I took the deal.
Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's


This is so true and so easy for them to fix. Usually if you are a repeater they become more concerned that if you drift away it will hurt in the pocket so you gradually get more time and more milage but one girl said to me, "ok but for many guys if I give an extra 10 minutes next time you want 20, if I give 20 next time you want 30 so you and I are clear I like you and if there is nobody else coming your hour with your tip is 90 minutes but a real 90 min no more and no more SOGs than you can do in the first hour, the rest is pillow talk ok? I took the deal.[/quote]

Wow. I like this girl.
Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's

What about the ladies that have the clock bumped up by about 10 to 15 minutes? I always look at my watch and glance over at the clock in the room. I don’t say anything but If I get the feeling I am being rushed I never go back, and if it’s an agency I would let them know.

Since many of my sessions are 30 minutes, the bumped up clock doesn’t play into the equation because the lady can’t rip you off time when you Daty, BBBJ and FS, usually takes you very close to the 30 minutes.
Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's

how many times have you taken your time and she didnt rush you and you went over and she didnt say anything? or you showed ten mins early and stayed until the hour was up (the originally booked hour time) and ended up getting more than your hours worth
works both ways guys....
Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's

helena said:
how many times have you taken your time and she didnt rush you and you went over and she didnt say anything? or you showed ten mins early and stayed until the hour was up (the originally booked hour time) and ended up getting more than your hours worth
works both ways guys....

Those ladies usually gain repeat business. I don't think we are asking for extra time, just asking we receive the actual time paid for.
Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's

helena said:
how many times have you taken your time and she didnt rush you and you went over and she didnt say anything? or you showed ten mins early and stayed until the hour was up (the originally booked hour time) and ended up getting more than your hours worth
works both ways guys....

Well it doesnt quite work that way Helena. When you go to a restaurant you want to get what you pay for.. if restaurant offers you a dessert for complementary thats a plus.. and you will be happy and you will go back to that restaurant.. Owner of the restaurant wants to win you as a regular customer.. But if you receive half plate of what you order.. would you go back there????

Sorry to say this but service business works one way Helena..
Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's

helena said:
how many times have you taken your time and she didnt rush you and you went over and she didnt say anything? or you showed ten mins early and stayed until the hour was up (the originally booked hour time) and ended up getting more than your hours worth
works both ways guys....

What works both ways ? I can't make any sense out of this post . A good Sp manages the time without you
knowing that she is managing the time . If you can't keep track of the time without staring at the clock then
get a bigger clock . Point is I shouldn't be aware of you checking the time .
Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's

helena said:
how many times have you taken your time and she didnt rush you and you went over and she didnt say anything? or you showed ten mins early and stayed until the hour was up (the originally booked hour time) and ended up getting more than your hours worth
works both ways guys....

I have to agree with the rest of the boys, no excuse for it and a guaranteed customer lost when you short change on time. Give the John some extra time when you are not busy and you will probably gain a regular or at the very least referral business.
Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's

What I am trying to point out is that no one likes a clock watcher yet no one likes their own time imposed on. I go over on your time and it may mean the next client gets short changed
Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's

helena said:
What I am trying to point out is that no one likes a clock watcher yet no one likes their own time imposed on. I go over on your time and it may mean the next client gets short changed

I don't believe anyone is saying you have to go over, just don't short change.
Re: Clockwatchers. The worst SP's

helena said:
What I am trying to point out is that no one likes a clock watcher yet no one likes their own time imposed on. I go over on your time and it may mean the next client gets short changed

Understand your point Helena but
To quote smylee :
Point is I shouldn't be aware of you (Any SP) checking the time .
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