Made with Love

Condom Advice


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
I'm thinking of buying my own Jackets. The ones at the incalls are just not doing it for me. Can't feel much during FS. Does anybody bring their own? And do SP's allow you bring your own protection? Would it be possible to put some Lube inside of the Condom? Just wondering.
Re: Condom Advice

RedLight said:
I'm thinking of buying my own Jackets. The ones at the incalls are just not doing it for me. Can't feel much during FS. Does anybody bring their own? And do SP's allow you bring your own protection? Would it be possible to put some Lube inside of the Condom? Just wondering.

Redlight, had a few too many drinks today? ;)
Re: Condom Advice

OK You Guys have been no help. I had to go to "YOUTUBE" to research this. Here is what I found.






Re: Condom Advice

I bring my own. I have never had an issue with a SP refusing. I am told that I am "wider" than most, and found lifestyles Ultrathin Large to work the best.

As for lube inside the condom, it's the best feeling. Some SP's are good with it, other are worried it will "slip off". I have never had a slippage issue. Try it, you'll like it.
Re: Condom Advice

not2old said:
I bring my own. I have never had an issue with a SP refusing. I am told that I am "wider" than most, and found lifestyles Ultrathin Large to work the best.

As for lube inside the condom, it's the best feeling. Some SP's are good with it, other are worried it will "slip off". I have never had a slippage issue. Try it, you'll like it.

Thank you. Thank you very much Not2old. Some helpful information. You see, LUbe inside the jacket.
Re: Condom Advice

Before we all go "Pro lube in the condom" Please remember to watch the ingredients in your lube and be sure it is okay for condom use.

Nothing worse then feel good to all of a sudden freaking out because the condom broke. Some lubes eat away at the latex and make the condoms breaks.
Re: Condom Advice

RedLight said:
OK You Guys have been no help. I had to go to "YOUTUBE" to research this. Here is what I found.







:lol: :lol: :lol: You are funny Redlight.
Re: Condom Advice

Some ladies will allow you to bring your own condoms but many will not. One thing to consider is storage, allergies, sensitivities, etc. Many ladies will prefer to use their own because they are aware of the conditions that the condom has been kept in (ie. it hasn't been in your wallet or glove box for the last couple of weeks) also we can be sure that the condom if lubricated doesn't have any potential irritants (eg. spermicide, glycerine, etc.).
Every lady is different but it's important to respect her choice, what on you goes inside her and the makeup of the condom can have an impact on her health. I for one cannot use any condoms with spermicide as I get an immediate rash (very unattractive and painful!) and am particular in regards to lubricated condoms as well as some don't seem to agree with my body chemistry.

In regards to lube inside the condom, be sure it's only a drop or two and the appropriate type of lube and you should be fine. Men that don't have a lot of "pre-cum" tend to find a condom rather dry and uncomfortable so the addition of a bit of lube can increase the friction. Any lube that's safe for the outside of the condom is safe for the inside too. For latex condoms avoid silicone or oil based lubes, anything waterbased should do the trick. If you put a drop in the tip of the condom when you pinch the tip to get the air out you'll also force the lube down a bit over the head, I'm sure any lady you see can help you out with that. :)
Re: Condom Advice

Re: Condom Advice

iceman_dci said:
Anyone ever try the female condom? I've looked for it in Shoppers and haven't seen them. I'd like to bring one on my next appointment as I love the Kiss and Ride several times over and it's a pain taking off the dome having her go down on you and then putting another on...

LOL :lol:

BTW: Thanks Kyra for the good information.
Re: Condom Advice

I keep two on hand most of the time now after having an encounter with a SP and she said she ran out. It ended up being an oral only session but I learned my lesson. I've always used the lady's condom and only once asked if I could switch to one of mine cuz her's was extra thick/wasn't working for me. Obviously I let her examine it and put it on me. She had no problem with it.
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