Made with Love

IN-Call Harlot Orgy

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hangman
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Lou Pole said:
Wow was one of them Hangman's :cool:
I don't mean to offend the cocks and their owners, but I honestly can't remember whose they were. I do remember that they were both of very respectable size though. If that helps.
If it was merely respectable, then it wasn't me.

Gen, you were such a popular lady at that event I'm surprised you remember much at all!
The question is what does Gen consider "respectable"?:razz: I knew a woman that considered anything above 4 inches respectable. DAMN, she was good for my ego.:lol:
Rayden said:
The question is what does Gen consider "respectable"?:razz: I knew a woman that considered anything above 4 inches respectable. DAMN, she was good for my ego.:lol:

:lol: Genevieve was hangman the chap Rayden type, you may add what colour his trousers were while you are at it.
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