Made with Love

IN-Call If You Could Bring 1 Lady Out Of Retirement Who Would It Be?

Absolutely Amanda. She was one of a kind in everyway and I really miss her. A true superstar IMHO. :cry:
Ashley @ RM
Ashley @ RM
Ashley @ RM
Ashley @ RM
Ashley @ RM
and Amanda @ Mirage.
A close friend of mine was telling me about Valeria. He always refers to her as the rim queen! I would have loved to try her!
Guido said:
A close friend of mine was telling me about Valeria. He always refers to her as the rim queen! I would have loved to try her!

Yes that would be her, the part that got me was not 3 feet from entering the room I got attacked with the deepest DFK possible and down to BBBJCIMSW still with my jacket and shoes on. There's no going slow with her.
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