Made with Love

IN-Call Jemma@independant


Well-known member
Jan 26, 2010
I decided to veer off my Asian conquest with a lady that has intrigued me as of late. Jemma is the young lady of this review and not to be confused with the other beautiful Jemma from Mirage.

I made the call and was directed to Jemma's incall. Very nice accommodations with all expected amenities included.

On my way to the session I was wondering how far off the pics in the way of looks is she going to be. As most of us find to often, the photo brushed pics are usually a 9 or 10 and then the disappointment sets in when behind the door steps out a 6 or 7. This was not to be the case. As the door opens and I walk in and I am face to face with the lovely lady in the pictures. Breathtaking is the only word that can describe this lady.

As par for the course I proceeded to the shower, washed all my bits and bites properly, dried off, and headed for Jemma's boudoir. I walk in to find her standing now in-front of me and starting to undress. She has a gorgeous body, no need to go into the description, just look at the link I have provided, amazing to say the least.

Once embroiled in what I had paid $250 to receive, I received it in spades. I licked her body from head to toe, paying special attention to her sweet tasting clitty and sexy little anus, a delight to lick and finger gently. We engaged in some LFK, with Jemma devouring my member in the most delightful BBBJ's I have received in a long time. We finished of in mish which I am a bit ashamed to admit I did not last as long as I wanted to, I was just to excited throughout the session to hold on to the load for as long as I had hoped.

This young lady and I hit it off well, as I have read some less favorable reviews but as for me I can only report what I have experienced. I had fun with this hot, young, sexy gal and I will be repeating again!
Nice find JB...she needs to come out to the airport on a road trip so the APC can have at her :lol:
Nice review Jawbone. Jemma L's pictures look great. I thought I read somewhere that Jemma L's rates have gone up to $280/hr. I could be wrong though?
I seen this lady when she first arrived in Toronto. She started under Mikey and I believe I was her second client. I had a blast with her. She had this thing about giving you a massage first. I didn't mind since I had booked her for the hour. I recall it being a satisfying GFE session.

Great body, very hot looking brunette from what I remember.
Excellent review, Jawbone. Glad you had a great time. Jemma's pics are hot and she is definitely sounds like a keeper. She is now on my TDL.

Winslow said:
Nice review Jawbone. Jemma L's pictures look great. I thought I read somewhere that Jemma L's rates have gone up to $280/hr. I could be wrong though?

It might very well be that she is now $280 Winslow. I have a tendency to wait 20 to 30 days before I write a review of a lady. I do take down notes of the session as soon as I arrive back at my office so that I may write an accurate account of the session. I do this as to not tip off the SP as to my handle, just in case I have to write a negative review. I do not hold back if I am met with sub par service and don't want any trouble when that review comes out.
Jawbone said:
I do not hold back if I am met with sub par service and don't want any trouble when that review comes out.

Good way of thinking thanks for the review JB.
Jawbone said:
It might very well be that she is now $280 Winslow. I have a tendency to wait 20 to 30 days before I write a review of a lady. I do take down notes of the session as soon as I arrive back at my office so that I may write an accurate account of the session. I do this as to not tip off the SP as to my handle, just in case I have to write a negative review. I do not hold back if I am met with sub par service and don't want any trouble when that review comes out.

Thanks for that response JB. Your policy makes very good sense.
My experience with Jemma was similar to jawbone. Agree with the comments about website pics. In the age of liberal use [abuse] of 'photo enhancement', more often than not, in-person, sp's looks can sometimes be a bit of let down. In jemma's case, she looks as good in the flesh as she does in her pics. Overall session was defintely gfe inspired, especially initial intro of the session. Lot's of kissing on the lips, tongue sucking, gentle neck bitting etc. The pace was slow and senual, which was a great build-up to the main event. Classic gfe menu: lfk/dfk, bls, bbbj, digits, daty etc. Nothing mindblowing, but overall, very fun time. 8/10
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