Made with Love

John knows his shit.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2010

Re: John knows his shit.

Rayfinkle I do believe you have way too much time on your hands. You seem to have a fetish for pics and what not. Do you ever hobby?
Re: John knows his shit.

Jawbone said:
Rayfinkle I do believe you have way too much time on your hands. You seem to have a fetish for pics and what not. Do you ever hobby?

Yes with your wife.
Re: John knows his shit.

clintE said:
Jawbone said:
Rayfinkle I do believe you have way too much time on your hands. You seem to have a fetish for pics and what not. Do you ever hobby?

Yes with your wife.

Sorry, not married, I am a widower and I will leave it at that. Actually I changed my mind, you CLint are a very crass little man!!
Re: John knows his shit.

Jawbone said:
Rayfinkle I do believe you have way too much time on your hands. You seem to have a fetish for pics and what not. Do you ever hobby?

The man is very busy helping out the women with their problems.
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