Made with Love

Just wanted to say HI!


Feb 27, 2010
Hi all,

I just wanted to take a quick minute to say hi and thanks for the welcome here on HUBGFE. We have had quite a few PMs from members and it has been very nice and refreshing.

We have been a bit busy with the launch of our agency, we haven't had the time to officially come up here and introduce ourselves personally to all you fun boys and girls, so here we are.

Justin - short and bald, loves to sport orange thongs and bad wigs {JK sweetie}

Jessica - that would be me - I am really Pam Anderson's better looking twin without all the drama.

No seriously folks, we are a couple of Joe-blow regulars like you who feel we have something a little different to offer this wonderful world of adult fun.

So thanks again for the welcomes and we look forward to chatting with you in the future.

Jessica :D
Welcome, and best of luck in your enterprise. You already have an impressive roster.

BTW, what's wrong with orange thongs? :mrgreen:
Welcome SP :lol:

Everyone better get to their lineup before BT does and ruins all the girls for the rest of us HornDogs....*stampede*
SensualPleasures said:

Justin - short and bald, loves to sport orange thongs and bad wigs


Welcome, the more the merrier I always say. Your lineup looks very tempting!
Hi Jessica. Welcome sensual Pleasures. Love the pics on Ashlyn and Alphasophia. Both are on my TDL.
HAHAHA ~ In the Pool.

Nothing wrong with orange thongs. I keep telling Justin that, but he doesn't believe me. :lol:

Thanks again for the warm welcome.
Welcome to the board Jessica. wish you best luck and lots of pervert clients :D
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