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Measles outbreak everywhere.

A California woman infected with measles who attended opening night of “Avengers: Endgame" is triggering a major medical alert. The situation occurred over the weakened at an AMC movie theater in Orange County. Now health officials are trying to contact other moviegoers who may have been exposed to the highly contagious disease. Authorities say the woman attended a midnight show of the movie on April 26. The next day she went to the emergency room.

[h=1]Bombshell Flashback: Merck FAKED mumps vaccine research, released faulty vaccine that didn’t work, say virologists in False Claims Act filing[/h]
You can thank the anti-vaxxers for this.

Anti-science degenerates who would rather have people die of polio than to have autistic children (read: vaccines DO NOT cause autism)
God;n1469076 said:
[h=1]Bombshell Flashback: Merck FAKED mumps vaccine research, released faulty vaccine that didn’t work, say virologists in False Claims Act filing[/h]


Yeah one questionable "article" out of like 100000000000000 that proves that vaccines are effective. Oh and did the incidence of measles, mumps, and rubella decrease after the introduction of MMR vaccines? That too. /-Thumbs-up::/
Fortunately, most of us in Canada got the standard MMR and TB shots when we were young (although I hear there's less effort into those now). We need approximately 95% of the population to be vaccinated to essentially kill the diseases from becoming a wide-spread issue, and we're not there now mostly due to the bullshit "expert" celebs are spouting. Measles can kill: it's not worth the risk NOT to get vaccinated.

Even today I hear the same fuss over the flu shot. So far, it looks like this year's flu shots are far more effective than last year's, and I strongly recommend everyone get a flu shot this year.
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