Made with Love

Barrie-Northern NiteCandy Agency - Barrie


Senior Member
Nov 24, 2009
The only agency I have done business with in Barrie is NiteCandy. Let me know if there are any worth the time, effort and money.

About a year and a half ago I called NC and requested that they send over a young lady for an hour. The first lady they sent me was the most stunning piece of ass I have had to date! Her 'name' was Vicky. Unfortunately she did not last long in the business. Having had a GREAT time I called again to book another girl. This session did not go so well. The young lady arrived and secured her payment then phoned the driver to let him know that I seemed unlikely to murder her with an axe in the next sixty minutes. We then proceeded to the couch and started to chat. She was not so much into talking she wanted to get down to business. Now understand this, I am not a sexual machine. I cannot fuck for an hour straight. So I wanted to get the most from the session, which includes some chit chat. Now she is undressing ... nice body, sweet curves and pouty bald beaver. I guess talk is overrated at this point. Now I'm thinking how to make this last. I start by caressing her tight body and move in closer for a kiss.

NOPE! I even brushed my tooth that week.
Still no kiss.

So much for the GFE. She puts a dome on Jr and gets down to some serious suck action. Good technique .. who am I kidding even a piss poor BJ is good. I suggest DATY.

NOPE She says that she does not like having guys slobber down the crack of her ass.

How appetizing. I suggest that I will control my slobber and she agrees to let me have a go. DATY lasts for about 20 seconds. She can't find it in her heart to let me continue. No, she was not soaked in spit. I'm really not feeling warm and fuzzy here. We get down to doggie, followed by mish. We've been doing the humpty bump for about five minutes when I hear her softly starting to cry. Yep, CRY! I ask what is the matter. She rolls out from under and says that she can't continue. Complains that the agency should not have sent her as she had been up until 4am covering for missing SP's. Puts on her clothes and leaves. Now I am feeling like a real hero.

Standing in my living room, Jr at half mast still wearing his raincoat. I call the agency owner to complain. He asks if I got what I had ordered. I let him know that, no, I could still chip concrete. An arrangement is made where the next session I get will be half price. Sounds like a win, win.

A few weeks pass and I am feeling the urge to have my oil changed. I call up and speak with the owners assistant and let him know that I am ready to take him up on the half price deal. The lady I requested off the web page was not available he suggested another. Why not, it is a half price session.

I did the usual in prep for a incall. Now the apartment and myself are as ready as can be. When I answer the door I am underwhelmed by the girl they have sent. OK, I don't want to be too shallow but she is not at all attractive. Short, VERY thin, stringy dirty blond hair, nicotene stained fingers. I think to myself, all cats are grey in the dark. Thank jeebus for dimmers. I decide to make the best of a poor situation. The poor situation was to turn into a BAD situation. A little chit chat. She could not carry a conversation with both hands and a bucket. I suggest we get naked and have some fun.


Naked she is even thinner than I thought possible. Her tits were little more than suggestions with nipples. Her hip bones looked like they would do some damage if you were to attempt mish. Did not attempt to kiss this one. Domed up and got the BJ going. I do like to munch the whisker ditch, started south and had to turn back north at the belly button. I thought that someone had left a can of cat food out on the counter for a few days then placed said can in her drawers. Never mind DATY, I think, just fuck this chick and get it done. I bend her over the couch and start the doggie business. Sounds like I am running in rubber boots with one boot half full of water. With all the agitation the smell is now filling up the room. I'm trying to pop ASAP beacuse I fear that I will pass out trying to screw this chick while holding my breath. Finally POP goes the weasel. I get her on her way as soon as gentlemanly possible. Back on the phone to agency owner. I let him know what has happened and that due to my recent experiances with his ladys I am considering turning GAY. The owner apologises and says that she should not have been sent to my home. He explained that she is his 'back of the book' girl. The one that gets sent out at four am when guys are too wasted to care or want someone to party with.

A long story to be sure, yet one that needs telling. I TOFTT so that you may benefit. Since then I have had much more luck with the indi girls. (see pheonix)
Re: NiteCandy Agency - Barrie

Sad story but a very entertaining read nonetheless.
Barrie blows, and not in the good way.
Re: NiteCandy Agency - Barrie

Sorry the hear about your problems with N / C. I've been in your situation and not funny at the time but I just had a good laugh at your stories.They used to be more reliable with the girls they had. There are only 1 or 2 left that I would still see. I don't know about the new ones. I have had good luck with Naughty Hotties. I also tried Hot & Spicy with good results.
Re: NiteCandy Agency - Barrie

Sorry to hear about your experiences but you are a Funny guy.
Re: NiteCandy Agency - Barrie

Sux large. Sorry to hear about the bad experience, but this is exactly what boards of this nature are for, to help the rest of us make educated decisions and laud the brave souls who TOFTT.
iceman_dci said:
Sux large. Sorry to hear about the bad experience, but this is exactly what boards of this nature are for, to help the rest of us make educated decisions and laud the brave souls who TOFTT.

Must agree you are saving us money even though you lose yours. :oops:
Thanks for the update; and thanks more for the laugh! I feel for you buddy, but that busted me up more than Foxworthy!
Up in cottage country, had only had one sp experience and it was a fun romp. Indie by the name of Samantha I found on TRZ. I'd put into her the milf category. If memory strikes me correctly, dropped down about $120 for 1/2 hr. Nipple play, ass spanking, rimming, bbbjtcim were all on the menu. Next summer, if she's still around, will defintely see again.
I've dealt with Nite candy twice and both times i had girls who were in a very big hurry to get in and get out, and neither of them looked very much like their web pics. I was not impressed either time, and will not repeat with them.
looking for an sp that really loves her job

looking for an sp that really loves her job

can anyone recommend one?also has anyone seen kellie from samantha's and or janessa from nite candy?
billy4u said:
can anyone recommend one?also has anyone seen kellie from samantha's and or janessa from nite candy?
I would stay away from samathas they are B / S big time. As for janessa she must be new with N/ candy. I have seen madison,hunter and summer. I would and have repeated these,
gudnite said:
I would stay away from samathas they are B / S big time. As for janessa she must be new with N/ candy. I have seen madison,hunter and summer. I would and have repeated these,

only met one from Sam's and she was just as described. Only complaint it their pics are soo freakin small it's like spotting a chick from across a football field
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