Made with Love

IN-Call Review of Lena fires @ GOE


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2010
Hope to be welcomed to this board will start with a quick review of Lena and more on the way.

For a full PSE experience a visit to Lena should be included in your agenda. Says she is Canadian but has the European look 7.5/10 face and 9/10 body. Small package, bolt on breasts with the right curves.

If you have a problem with premature ejaculations do not see her she works hard on making you come quickly and will worship your second SOG
If you don't like Kinky slutty dirty talk and slightly dominating women do not see her she may sit on your face and tell you to suck her.
If you don't like tongue stud BBBJ with mean DT strokes look somewhere else.
if you don't like tit fucking, diggits, slapping female ass and pleasant surprises pass on her.
If you have a heart problem and no insurance policy do not pass go.

Hope this helps.
Jagger, very nice review. Lena has been on my radar since she was at Maximum. Thanks for the entertaining review.
Thanks and welcome Jagger i have 2 types of insurance so will see her.
And my TDL gets longer and longer thanks for your TOFTT Jag
road less traveled said:
Nice find Jagger. Totally into her bodytype. Did she allow rear digits?

Did not partake there my next visit will try.
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