Made with Love

SPs vs civilians


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2009
I find myself having a hard time accepting the deficiency of civilian woman. Hygiene, untidy body hair, ect. ,the odd time I get lucky and meet a really hot civilian lady, but over all I just don't find them up to par with the pros.

Plus the time involved to get to the pot of honey makes the SP so much more attractive.

I am curious as to what the other boys think? What do you prefer, picking up a lady in whatever setting, or just paying for a pro?

Sorry, I would set it up as a poll but I have no idea how to do it.
Re: SPs vs civilians

toocooldude said:
jiggyjiggy said:
, picking up a lady in whatever setting?

Love the challenge.

You must be a young Puppy. Challenges never match the rewards. Paying for it keeps you sane. ;)
Re: SPs vs civilians

toocooldude said:
jiggyjiggy said:
, picking up a lady in whatever setting?

Love the challenge.

Yes the ego boost/challenge is the best part of going after civilians. The other nice part is there is no time limit unless of course you take off the clothes and find you made a big mistake! :o Then I am rattling my brain trying to think of excuses to bolt.
Re: SPs vs civilians

This is a no brainer. Pros are the way to go. There are no hang ups. There are no friends to meet and play nice with. No future ex-mother-inlaws, really do I need to continue?
Re: SPs vs civilians

jimmygoat said:
This is a no brainer. Pros are the way to go. There are no hang ups. There are no friends to meet and play nice with. No future ex-mother-inlaws, really do I need to continue?

No need Jim, goat has spoken the truth.
Re: SPs vs civilians

Pros definitely. You end up investing a lot of time and spending at least twice the money on a civilian lady to get the same result with no guarantees.
Re: SPs vs civilians

I only stick to SP's. Having a SO, I would never engage with the baggage that comes along with a civilian. If I was single I would do both. Best of both worlds would be the way to go.
Re: SPs vs civilians

'Sadly,' I go with the pro as well. I say 'sadly' because I'm shy, and lack the confidece, to pursue the civilians. And what I truly seek can only be found with a civilian. A pro can only provide a temporary resbit..Enjoyable but fleeting.
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