Made with Love


Active member
Nov 29, 2009
I heard it was closed, lost their liquor license.

Can anyone confirm/deny?

Re: The First

boogiedown123 said:
Where is this it in Barrie?
No it is up in Orillia at the narrows Hwy #12. Place was not bad, then it ran into some issues, guy was beaten to death and they got nailed for under age drinking. Today it is hole.
Re: The First

sounds like the arms (beating and all) if so I believe owner lost huge lawsuit and maybe closed already
Re: The First

Got in to a fight with about 6 of the locals there one night (back in the early 80's). Apparently some of the locals didn't like the fact that my friend and I rolled in one night and two of the dancers from the day shift were hanging about and we started playing pool with them. Well apparently some of the boys had been buying them drinks for quite some time and thought that entitled them to ownership of these girls, but the girls grew tired of them and hung out with us and started to buy us rounds :P.

The fight was taken outside and needless to say, we left bloodied and bruised but had two lovely ladies accompany us back to the cottage in Brechin ... hehehe.

Once a hole, always a hole.
Re: The First

Yes I agree it alway has been a hole. It is, however, one of those places you must experiance to understand. The one and only time I ever went I was amazed at how there is not one surface of the bar that is either square or plumb. You feel drunk just walking across the floor because it resembles the waves a lake. The 'dancers' of the day were a special sort. At least, as far as I could tell, their tattoos were spelled correctly.
Re: The First

boogiedown123 said:
But is there action to be had...THAT is the million dollar question.

Back in the day when it used to be a big biker hangout (dunno if it still is), my buddy asked me if he should park his Honda around back (I rode a Harley)...."Fuck it dude...park right beside." He got more respect by doing that then cowering. We ended up having a great time with a bunch of the local riders and got invited back to their house afterwards for more fun and games.

They ladies were always a good time (with or without all of their teeth :P ). So if you're looking for adventure....
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