Made with Love

The nagging wife


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
Been married for 23 years, spring is here time to do chores in the house and the garden. Juan remove the soil from the garden, Juan plant the vegetables seeds for me, Juan the garage is a mess, Juan water the plants, Juan mow the lawn, Juan change the lightbulbs, Juan pick up dogs' pooh, Juan you don't appreciate me, juan why don't you love me anymore, juan you have not kissed me in over 10 years why?, Juan go to Lowblaws for me, Juan juan Juan Juan blah blah blah.

I do love my wife, we both work full time kids in University 2 dogs one cat. She refuses to get a gardner or a maid. The nagging is killing me who else has the same problem and how you deal with it?, no divorce not an option.
I enjoy the divorce life pay her once a month and don't have to see the bitch.
I am retired and did enjoy doing things with my spouse. She passed away 5 years ago, my advice it to cherrish what you have.
I have been married over 20 years. It's tough at times but I wouldn't have it any other way. I noticed if you do about 50% of the honey do list it should get her off your back.
Juan you forgot take out the garbage. :). Happy to live alove and do the GF when I feel like.
Juan you have not kissed your wife in 10 years, how many members are in similar situations?
Juan, my amigo, if you really want her to limit the nagging then you have to put forth some effort. For example, do things that you know she wants done without her asking, steal a kiss from her every once in awhile, slap her ass and let her what fine bottom she has, bring her flowers for no reason, out of the blue tell her she looks pretty... you get the idea. Additionally, have her write all the "Spring Cleaning" chores down and you promise to get them done by a certain day and then have her promise not to bring it up unless you don't get it done by the agreed upon date. Finally, what about doing the chores together? Just this weekend Sentry and I cleared some brush from our property together. It was a blast. He pulled the big, heavy weeds and scrub bushes and I did the little ones. We had Kid Rock and 50cent rocking in the background. Then we had a huge bon fire with all the loose timber we collected. And we ended the night soaking our dirty, tired bodies in a bubble bath. It was so much fun!!! We had some fantastic quality time and got to cross a huge chore off of our list. Good luck!!!
Lou Pole said:
I am retired and did enjoy doing things with my spouse. She passed away 5 years ago, my advice it to cherrish what you have.

Lou, I'm so sorry for your loss. That's wonderful advice.
3somesarethenewblack said:
Juan, my amigo, if you really want her to limit the nagging then you have to put forth some effort. For example, do things that you know she wants done without her asking, steal a kiss from her every once in awhile, slap her ass and let her what fine bottom she has, bring her flowers for no reason, out of the blue tell her she looks pretty... you get the idea. Additionally, have her write all the "Spring Cleaning" chores down and you promise to get them done by a certain day and then have her promise not to bring it up unless you don't get it done by the agreed upon date. Finally, what about doing the chores together? Just this weekend Sentry and I cleared some brush from our property together. It was a blast. He pulled the big, heavy weeds and scrub bushes and I did the little ones. We had Kid Rock and 50cent rocking in the background. Then we had a huge bon fire with all the loose timber we collected. And we ended the night soaking our dirty, tired bodies in a bubble bath. It was so much fun!!! We had some fantastic quality time and got to cross a huge chore off of our list. Good luck!!!

Thank you 3 appreciate your thoughts will try to implement them.
I am a student single will try my darnest to find a wife like 3, you love sex and have brains to boot. Sentry count your blessings every night.
Get a part time job Juan, beats working in the house for free.
The nagging wife I am sure has a few names for the lazyass husband.:twisted: Fat Ass, couch potato, remote hog, ect...:lol:
3somesarethenewblack said:
Lou, I'm so sorry for your loss. That's wonderful advice.

Thank you 3 it was I tough loss but I dealt with it and now have a happy life.
Lou very sorry for your loss and glad that you're now living your life and I'm sure that's what your Mrs. would want.

3somesarethenewblack. Damn, I like that handle! So, you're really Mrs. S. Nice. Gotta tell you though, I did all those things that you mentioned and my ex-wife was still miserable brat.

Now, I'm stayin' single, friends with benefits and an SP here, there and everywhere!

My mom said to me, "HOF, why make one miserable, when you can make many happy."

Juan, your situation, you should try what 3 has described, and here's a few other little things:
1. Leave her a note, saying I Love you.
2. Run your fingers through her hair.
3. Make her dinner or breakfast or both.
4. Get her a day at a spa
5. Take her to a play, live entertainment
6. Take her out for dinner
7. Spend the night at an Inn or B&B
8. Picnics are good
9. Give her a massage
When out with her, place your hand on the small of her back, and let everyone know you care.
You might even get some special attention yourself from doing any of these things.
You might even
HOF said:
Lou very sorry for your loss and glad that you're now living your life and I'm sure that's what your Mrs. would want.

3somesarethenewblack. Damn, I like that handle! So, you're really Mrs. S. Nice. Gotta tell you though, I did all those things that you mentioned and my ex-wife was still miserable brat.

Now, I'm stayin' single, friends with benefits and an SP here, there and everywhere!

My mom said to me, "HOF, why make one miserable, when you can make many happy."

Juan, your situation, you should try what 3 has described, and here's a few other little things:
1. Leave her a note, saying I Love you.
2. Run your fingers through her hair.
3. Make her dinner or breakfast or both.
4. Get her a day at a spa
5. Take her to a play, live entertainment
6. Take her out for dinner
7. Spend the night at an Inn or B&B
8. Picnics are good
9. Give her a massage
When out with her, place your hand on the small of her back, and let everyone know you care.
You might even get some special attention yourself from doing any of these things.
You might even

Hof, glad you like my handle. I got it from Roksi, she says it during our 3 somes all the time and I love it. I completely agree that my list isn't foolproof. But its a start especially since Juan said divorce isn't an option. It definitely takes 2 to make a marriage work. BTW, your list rocks, especially the picnic. They are sooooo romantic. Also a good one is to plan a mini-vacation as a surprise. Sentry planned a weekend at an all-inclusive in Mexico, to last detai,l without me knowing a thing. He even took time off of work for me. I was shocked and so touched that I fucked him silly (over and over again) to show him my appreciation.
She relies on you so much, because in her eyes...

There can be only Juan!

What? 3 and Hof already dished out the good advice, all I have left is puns. :oops:
I agree with HOF and 3somesarethenewblack.

Try to add some excitement. Furthermore, listen to her and try to do the things without/before she tells you. you know what she expects so try to do them. If you can't talk to her, comprise, make a schedule.
And ravish her like you have never done before regularly.
It is all about love respect, compromise, communication and spice.
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