Made with Love

What is one thing you regret the most


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2010
Only one thing you have done/not done that you regret the most. For me is not finishing my under grad, years later realize the importance of an education.

Never driving across Canada like I always wanted to. Too many commitments to do it now, besides that have lived a good life. :cool:
Marrying young with no knowledge of what to expect it was a dud.
Too many too count off my head has to be listening to my broker to buy bre-x, lost a fortune.
Not finishing school and graduating with my school buddies; finished my year doing correspondent courses.
Madmax said:
Do it Mo divorce lawyers go cheap now days.

No way Max divorce lawyers are shrewed why 30 % of my income I don't see, think twice about marriage guys.
Beenthere123 said:
think twice about marriage guys.
Great advice.....tread very very carefully when thinking about marriage. Make sure you are prepared to lose everything for her, because you just might.....
Driving (stealing) my parent's car at age 15 and hitting an elderly lady. Spend the next 2 years going to see her after school and taking care of her. Lesson learned.
I should have chosen a career that leaves me with more time to hobby without the lack of funds of course.:razz:
Never regret anything you do in life take as as an experience.
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