Made with Love

IN-Call What really does YMMV mean?


Mar 7, 2010
I will provide it if you give me fatass tip?
I will provide it if you are perfect guy?
I will provide it if I feel like it?

I will never provide it but I want your money?
I will never provide it I am just joking with you?
I will never provide it I just put it there to get more business?

I don't even know what it is?
I didn't put it there it was just a mistake?

Or Your Money May Vary?
YMMV = I'm a human being, and since fucking it an intimate act, it will vary based on the partner I'm doing it with.

If you can't deal with that, order here.
That's very funny Gen. Since %99.9 Sps and agencies use it as marketing tactic and an excuse to screw clients over, it just kills your theory.
I find the YMMV factor is very easy to beat with 2 simple rules.

1) be clean and respectful.
2) only see ladies that have positive reviews 95% of the time

If you are going to see new ladies then make sure you have your "A" game on and are experienced enough to read the lady when you first walk in.

If a lady has a gentleman walk in that does not want to shower, is overly aggressive, or may possibly be carrying something I for one do not blame her one bit if she gives him the short end of YMMV.
Well said Rayden! I think we also forget sometimes that the girls have REAL lives as well, and what goes on those lives can often affect how they feel / their mood on any given day. Some days, shit happens, and by the time you get to work, you're just not in the mood for some things. Other days, you wake up and the day is all sunshine and roses, you feel on top of the world, and you're up for just about anything.

My firm belief is that if you arrive at a session with no pre-conceived expectations, and adopt the philosophy that the session's outcome hinges on the effort you put into building a positive rapport with the lady from the time the door opens, you're more likely than not to have a better than average encounter. Just my 2 yen.
Rayden said:
I find the YMMV factor is very easy to beat with 2 simple rules.

1) be clean and respectful.
2) only see ladies that have positive reviews 95% of the time

If you are going to see new ladies then make sure you have your "A" game on and are experienced enough to read the lady when you first walk in.

If a lady has a gentleman walk in that does not want to shower, is overly aggressive, or may possibly be carrying something I for one do not blame her one bit if she gives him the short end of YMMV.

Agree 150% - That's the tactic that's worked for me 99% of the time.
I hear from SP smoker clients wants LFK/DFK upon arrival big turn off for SP. Wash up and use listerine before and YMMV will increase by 50%.
4Times said:
Only see positively reviewed ladies if mileage is a concern. My own hobby criteria is to stay current with whoever the top 5 most highly endorsed ladies are. I seldom have anything to complain about because I think I am seeing the best.

4x you also find as the hidden gems with your many TOFTT is it luck or how do you find them.
I think you'll notice that the guys who seem to get pretty good mileage on this board are the ones who have posted good advice here.

Clean ( paramount ), respectful, light hearted and as normal as I can pretend to be. I have yet to have a YMMV issue.

Now, Rayden may have to have 2 showers before a date but hey - you do what ya gotta do. :razz:
iceman_dci said:
Rayden, Demien and 4x's, all excellent advice.

For the newbies, I started out years back with SW and that was definitely a crapshoot and probably not the safest and it was definitely a YMMV; if they didn't like what you looked like or how you acted and most of all, what your hygiene was like, then they could bolt at any time....with your $$.

I gravitated to NOW magazine ads and that was also a crap shoot as most were outcalls..except you could turn the tables and make it MMMV (My Mileage May Vary), and send her walking if you didn't see what you had expected or advertised. Only risky part of that is that some have BF's, Pimps or drivers that might come up and demand some compensation.

CL was my next step and I've had a few disappointments and have used the MMMV act and walked away.

With the great advise from my friends above and some common sense, I have yet to have a distinct disadvantage of a YMMV. I ain't pretty, I just look that way... :lol: I can carry a conversation, I'm respectful at all times, I establish the boudaries if the they're not clear in profiles or ads and never cross those lines, I show up clean shaven and prepped like I'm on a first date and I don't act like a jerk. Common sense.

Well said Iceman, been in your shoes before.
Excellent advice and although it's common sense, I think many take it for granted. I have read all the veterans reviews and of course it is obvious they are all on the high end of YMMV. Their simple common sense routine works 9 times out of 10.
I always shower and man scape, can't say I have been disappointed yet. That being said my sessions have not all been mind blowing but with lots of blowing and enough fun none the less.
Some complains from SP that some perverts put way too much cologne on.
YMMV has been part of the oldest business since the oldest business began. Let's face it, even in our own workplaces do we treat all clients or workers the same, probably not.
This question always comes up, The reason for it, lots of providers use this as a bait to catch more clients.
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