Made with Love

IN-Call Who are your DT Legends?


Active member
Mar 11, 2010
Almost all of us likes DT, who is/are your DT legends?

I say Sebelle @ Exquisite and Rebecca Richardson ( Becky )
Holly, Allison & Layla @ RM
Chantelle & Daphne @ Mirage
Sophie @ Sassys
Hailey @ NaughtyGF
Sebelle @ Exq
Rebecca ex Mirage now Indi
Charlie girl Indi
Molley Robinson indi
Original Raven semi retired
Amanda Mirage retired.
Candy ex mirage
Close calls

Ashley & Cheri @ vixens
Paris @ GOE
Cookie @ Indi
Mercedes @ DM
Tiffany @ Mirage
Cory, Kristen, Luana @ RM.

Cannot remember anymore getting old.

Oh yes memorable mention to the best Ashley ex RM who retired 2 years ago.
What he said.

Asking BT123 about his favourite DT is like asking a fat woman to name her favourite donuts.

I would only add Jaime (Indy) and I know she's on BT's TDL
olayda said:
What he said.

Asking BT123 about his favourite DT is like asking a fat woman to name her favourite donuts.

I would only add Jaime (Indy) and I know she's on BT's TDL

What Big O said....hey O, look behind you.... :lol:
My top 5 so far


Awesome list BT123.
Sebelle@ Exquisite
Hailey @ NTG
Daphne @ Mirage
Tamara @ GOE
Sofia @ Mirage
Darya aka Evelyn @ Exquisite
Sophie @ Sassy's
Mia @ Sassy's
Jessie @ RM

And of course god bless the retired Amanda @ Mirage and Morgan Van Lief
Dr Vanessa Kelly.

Vancouver Indi who tours in Toronto. I compare everybody else to her.
Beenthere123 said:
Holly, Allison & Layla @ RM
Chantelle & Daphne @ Mirage
Sophie @ Sassys
Hailey @ NaughtyGF
Sebelle @ Exq
Rebecca ex Mirage now Indi
Charlie girl Indi
Molley Robinson indi
Original Raven semi retired
Amanda Mirage retired.

Close calls

Ashley & Cheri @ vixens
Paris @ GOE
Cookie @ Indi
Mercedes @ DM
Tiffany @ Mirage
Cory, Kristen, Luana @ Mirage.

Cannot remember anymore getting old.

Oh yes memorable mention to the best Ashley ex RM who retired 2 years ago.

BT, that's a very impressive list.
Beenthere123 said:
Holly, Allison & Layla @ RM
Chantelle & Daphne @ Mirage
Sophie @ Sassys
Hailey @ NaughtyGF
Sebelle @ Exq
Rebecca ex Mirage now Indi
Charlie girl Indi
Molley Robinson indi
Original Raven semi retired
Amanda Mirage retired.

Close calls

Ashley & Cheri @ vixens
Paris @ GOE
Cookie @ Indi
Mercedes @ DM
Tiffany @ Mirage
Cory, Kristen, Luana @ RM.

Cannot remember anymore getting old.

Oh yes memorable mention to the best Ashley ex RM who retired 2 years ago.

BT you missed Candy when she was with Mirage ? She sticks out for me because of her small stature compared to a Holly, Amanda , Sebelle etc . Candy has no gag reflex at all . She would just bounce her nose off of my lower abdomen over and over again . Great fun.

luana, billie, layla @ roommates
sebelle, natalie @ exquiste
amanda, daphne @ mirage
roksi @ goe
sophie @ sassy
smylee52 said:
BT you missed Candy when she was with Mirage ? She sticks out for me because of her small stature compared to a Holly, Amanda , Sebelle etc . Candy has no gag reflex at all . She would just bounce her nose off of my lower abdomen over and over again . Great fun.


Good eye Smylee she is now in and yes for someone so small she can really take it.
Hailey @ NaughtyGirls
Rebecca @ Indy
Jaime @ Indy
Carmella @ Mikeys (no longer in the trade)

I know, I don't get out much.....
Great list guys. Noone mentioned Britney @ Mirage She has great DT skills
kristen @ roommates
mia @ sassys
sebelle @ exquiste
tyler @ roommates
daphne @ mirage
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