Made with Love

The Snow is Coming

Just north of Richmond Hill , not much of anything. looks like we missed the first wave. Radar shows major precipitation south of Kitchener but perhaps it will be rain by the time it gets here as its plus 2.

Every chance of being just media hype.
Dan said:
The weather guru's are calling for 10 to 15cm of snow over night. I think we need the army, the national guard, I'm not acclimatized to deal with this much snow this year.

Tboy how much snow are you expecting?


Watch out for sticky and wet snow, it's on the way!
train said:
Hof, that's bordering on major league gay behaviour with the obligatory " Not that there is anything wrong with that if that's your preference"
you thinking HOF might stand for Hang on Fella??

Not that there is anything wrong with that
I don't know what you guys are getting down in the big smoke, I heard that the storm shifted north and yeah, we got 12" by could I tell? I dropped trou and measured.....

I drove home using the braille method: that's where you use the snowbanks as guide markers cuz you can't see the fricken know, ease over to the right, crunch crunch crunch, that's the snow drift....ok, move a little to the left.....hehehehe

Just wanted to add: it was snowing so hard we couldn't see the bank of the lake....15' away and I put down my nail gun to go for break...when I got back I had to dig around to find it....

What makes it worse is that it was warm too. So you pulled your hood up to keep the snow from falling down the back of your neck but you got too hot......ARRGGH and it looked like it was going to be a nice day to work
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