Made with Love

IN-Call My first experience with an SP, and it was with Riley

Gotta say I really want to re-visit Riley and have a full session. Thats number one on the list. After that I've heard good things about Noir, and Purnatra looks good too. But I'm still undecided. My funding doesn't allow me to indulge as often as I'd like, but the future is looking prosperous, so here's hoping, :)

Dapperdon said:
Frank who is next on your TDL ?
Dapperdon said:
Frank who is next on your TDL ?

FrankWhyte said:
Gotta say I really want to re-visit Riley and have a full session. Thats number one on the list. After that I've heard good things about Noir, and Purnatra looks good too. But I'm still undecided. My funding doesn't allow me to indulge as often as I'd like, but the future is looking prosperous, so here's hoping, :)

Frank, Dapperdon is right here with a TDL, we see SPs usually because of variety and don't loose sign of the fact this is not dating. Your paying for a service and there's lots of ladies available to meet your needs.

Let us know what you like in a woman and we can help suggest some ladies for your TDL.

You say you had a good time with Riley therefore, you can always revisit at a later date.
rileyroyal said:
IT will never change. a client of mine post a good experience of seeing me while I am indie and everyone is ready to attack him.

For those who saw me while I was cupids or mirage, you had a different experience for many reasons. now that I am independent and in control of everything and anything I choose to do with the clients that choose to see it's a more positive experience for all. if you want to hold on to your experience while I was at an agency and assume it still the same then that is your lost.

For those who take the pleasure of seeing me now they will benefit from it and as for iambad and his remark about kissing, I do kiss I just may not kiss you.

Those who do not learn from the mistakes in their history are doomed to repeat them .

Let your service do the talking and do not post on your own reviews unless it is something positive or needed information .

You are an attractive young woman with the physical attributes to be successful in this industry if you would just learn to actually provide consistent service and understand hobbyist don't respond well to SP's who create drama .

You consistently turn off people who give you suggestions to improve . Try this . Someone gives you a suggestion and you say "Thank You " and not come back with how you disagree with the suggestion .

I don't care if this review is valid or not because I would need to see a few , some from experienced hobbyists , before I would believe you would be a good time .

Please don't misunderstand my input as being contradictory in that it appears I care because my motivation is just to help get a reasonably priced hot body on my TDL :lol:

Now show you get it by either not responding to my post or just saying Thx Smylee .
Riley I am an older gentleman and I whole heartily agree with Smylee's points. If I didn't see your postings and only was to look at your website pictures I would most definitely be thinking of booking an appointment. You do seem to be an attractive young lady with a very nice body.

Some SP's make themselves more attractive by posting (Noir comes to mind) and others posts have the affect of sandpaper. Use your best assets and stay away from your weakness, which by the reaction you seem to get on most boards, it is kind of obvious.
So she is saying this reviews is valid??? So funny!

This review is full of sh*t!!! Even someone with half brain can see this shill review 10 miles away.

Hey Riley try to shill fairly next time! Don't make it so obvious!
Dapperdon said:
I don't think most sps dislike hobbyists fact I believe its the opposite..
I do however think that sp's that have something to hide , offer sub par service and are just all around trouble do not like review boards ...
Let me say it a diff way ...restaurants do not dislike their paying customers ..they need them to survive ...if a restuarant served shitty food and there was a forum for diners to review this ...shitty restaurants would dislike the review forum ..
I think everyone can agree that when they spend there money they like to have some idea of what the they are purchasing is like ...

Good example Don. Lets put it this way, Riley is a meal at least looks good abit but when you taste that food, taste is not so pleasant. Simply.. wrapped good but crappy food.
rileyroyal said:
Now I get why alot of SPs dislike hobbyist.

Blame the others game, this game is too old Riley.

I cant believe you still cant see your bad reputation has nothing to do with review boards.

Eveyone here is trying to say this polite way but you cant even see that. But maybe someone needs to tell this right to your face RILEY, YOUR BAD REPUTATION IS COMING FROM YOUR BEHAVIOR AND YOUR WAY BELOW AVARAGE SERVICE.

We still have some hopes you will understand this one day.
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