Made with Love

Twitter Dudes


Joined Aug 7, 2011
Messages 2,025
IfYouSeekAmy said:
So your avatar isn't you, Anal? I'm so bummed. Lol

I don't know who thetawlguy is but there are very few men on the boards and on Twitter whose avatar is really of them. However, some do actually tweet pics of themselves and I remember thetawlguy doing so. I don't believe he is hiding who he is, nor does he seem to hide his motives and opinions. You're kinda guilty of hiding your opinions though, unless you've shared this critique on Twitter too? In which case, I apologize :tongue:

I have a completely different handle on Twitter and I don't post. I just follow the ladies and there is one dude I have a lot of respect for because he tells it like it is and that is The Honest Client.

I don't hide my opinion, I tell it like it is here. I believe some folks create a different character, one to endear themselves to the ladies to gain better mileage during sessions. The game is evident to males and missed by some ladies.


Joined Feb 11, 2011
Messages 791
Analme said:
I have a completely different handle on Twitter and I don't post. I just follow the ladies and there is one dude I have a lot of respect for because he tells it like it is and that is The Honest Client.

I don't hide my opinion, I tell it like it is here. I believe some folks create a different character, one to endear themselves to the ladies to gain better mileage during sessions. The game is evident to males and missed by some ladies.

If you tell it like it is, then tell it to him on Twitter. Man to man, mano a mano!


Joined Apr 14, 2010
Messages 2,215
Raiden said:
I'll name names!

Peter and Mucking....TWITTER THIEVES....chain up your mopeds and hide your nutella jars...these two twitter bandits are not to be trusted!
Now wait a minute Nutella fucker, I fixed the moped and gassed it up, not my fault you left it unattended while on a date with Kirk for the nutella/moped experience while you ran into Walmart you overpriced prick.:rofl!:


Joined Apr 14, 2010
Messages 2,215
Peter4025 said:
now wait a moment sir, I'm a thief? Who is the one that flattens my truck's tires all the time? You are the one spilling my caramel jars and passing the white envelopes so I get block by the ladies.
Dont believe a word that Nutellaman says. He is in love
True but he's not the one that flattens your tires, not sayin how I knowHmmmmmm


SillyGirl said:
This applies to this site as well, even to those posts some find offensive.

yes applies everywhere, actually. It's always better to ignore what we don't like rather than to rebel offensively, but that can be easier said than done. At least for me.
Joined Sep 10, 2015
Messages 1,478
It's called the Mangina and or SIMP personality. Those men who constantly agree with women because they are so mesmerized by the simple fact that a human being with a vagina is interacting with them. Trust me. If you treat women as equals, you will get much further with them than the guys who beg for approval.

My wife LOVES ME beyond words. Because I don't bow down to her. She has a problem with violence when she gets angry, but no human being is perfect, so I try to deal with it. Plus, I am strong, so I can take a few kicks and punches once in a while - kind of like Muay Thai boxing training at the gym.

The one problem I have with being so open in relationships is that my wife ALWAYS tries to make friends with my girlfriends. Never works out for me. Two women can't share one man.


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Joined Aug 9, 2010
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bolt.upright said:
I am who I am on Twitter and all the boards. If you're fortunate (or unfortunate) enough to meet me in person, I think you will realize that you already know me.

When one has only a single persona it becomes easy to accept them.


Some ladies seem to enjoy having a Twitter fanclub who flirt with them on a daily basis, and some don't want to interact at all.

Same with the guys.

Each to their own.

Live and let live.

Funky & Music


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Joined Aug 23, 2010
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escapefromstress said:
Live and let live.

Funky & Music



Joined Aug 7, 2011
Messages 2,025
escapefromstress said:
Some ladies seem to enjoy having a Twitter fanclub who flirt with them on a daily basis, and some don't want to interact at all.

Same with the guys.

Each to their own.

Live and let live.

Funky & Music

I agree but these kiss ass's really are just that...


thetallguy@thetawlguy Mar 18
Contacting an available Escort with ?, u avail?, how much?, services? just means the lovely lady will still be available for serious gents.

Please share with me what this white knight kiss ass is trying to say? I'll tell you what he's doing

Ladies I'm your best friend, so when I book you please give me the best mileage possible because I'm just such a good guy, blah blah blah barf.

Yes, I'm dropping 300 + dollars and I want to know the services offered, you're damn right I do and I'm not going to be shamed into wanting to know what I'm getting for my hard earned $$$$$!



Well-known member
Joined Sep 14, 2010
Messages 6,932
Uhh discussing services is no longer an advisable thing to do, especially for your sake. That's why we have this glorious board where information is accessible for anybody with an IQ larger than their shoe size.

Anal, honestly while I understand your stance, I do not care much for publicly villainizing someone yet doing so behind their back. It is equally distasteful as someone who may or may not be voicing their opinions for sinister reasons.


Joined Dec 6, 2015
Messages 1,424
It's business for the women. They need to keep their names and brands top of mind so we think of them when we decide who to spend our hard earned money on.
For me it is entertainment and staying connected between visits, mostly entertainment.
I do not believe liking or making positive comments on tweets or posts is going to give me better milage or make them like me more. I believe your mileage depends mainly on how you present yourself and behave on the date. It may however give you a basis for conversation or a leg up on unknown guy competing for a time slot.
I became a member of this board to learn the ins and outs of the hobby and have stuck with it because I am still learning and I find it endlessly entertaining.
I am impervious to taunts of simp or mangina and find amusement in what gets some other members riled up.
Above all have fun guys. Serious business for the women. Fun and games for us.


Joined Aug 12, 2011
Messages 17,534
Beached said:
It's business for the women. They need to keep their names and brands top of mind so we think of them when we decide who to spend our hard earned money on.
For me it is entertainment and staying connected between visits, mostly entertainment.
I do not believe liking or making positive comments on tweets or posts is going to give me better milage or make them like me more. I believe your mileage depends mainly on how you present yourself and behave on the date. It may however give you a basis for conversation or a leg up on unknown guy competing for a time slot.
I became a member of this board to learn the ins and outs of the hobby and have stuck with it because I am still learning and I find it endlessly entertaining.
I am impervious to taunts of simp or mangina and find amusement in what gets some other members riled up.
Above all have fun guys. Serious business for the women. Fun and games for us.

Great post and Amy is so sexy when she's bitch slapping Anal all over the this thread. :biggrin2:


Joined Aug 12, 2011
Messages 17,534
I suffered the wrath of a "mangina" myself this past weekend on Twitter.

I was joking around with another twitter member about clams and licking clams. It was a harmless joke and no ladies seem to be complaining as it wasn't meant to offend anyone. All of a sudden I'm blocked by a gentleman who sees escorts and was offended about two guys discussing clam licking. WOW.....not that I care...I rather not be followed or want to follow prudes be it male or females. If you do not have a sense of humor and expect other's to walk on egg shells around you I personally have no use for your company or friendship.

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