Made with Love


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2014
Hi Guys...

So I am really not one to be involved in any sort of drama or conflict..and will avoid it at all coast but when something is not just I have to protect those I care about...

I have met most if not all the other Toronto Agency owners and they are all amazing smart normal people. But If you can PLEASE pass this message onto your fell hobbiest discretely as I dont want it coming back to me, as this person as already caused me so many issues in my life...

He is a sick individual and literally threaten me to help him make him a pimp. He is a young punk kid that thinks this industry is easy and just wants to take advantage of girls.

Again, please trust me when I say this and avoid. Please pass this on

If you have any further questions you can PM me
That is awful Chanel! Will avoid and spread the word. Thank you for letting me know.

Sure thing C. Anything to keep your fantastic team safe. Sorry you have to put up with this AHOLE.
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