On my second date with Katie at Maximum Pleasure I was the beneficiary of an excellent “glad to see you again” doorway kiss that carried on into the bathroom with clothes dropping to the floor. I broke off the kiss and said “lets get this shower out of the way” but she followed me right into the shower where we really got into some serious kissing, and mutual fondling. We were getting pretty enthusiastic and somewhere along the way the removable hand held shower nozzle slipped outside the tub and we flooded the freaking bathroom. My suit was crumpled on the floor and it got thoroughly soaked. I mean Soaked. Ipod, cash, underwear, socks everything. There was a small lake on the floor. After my hour was up, I had to put on a cold soaken wet suit get in the elevator with other people and walk accross a busy lobby with people giving me a "What the fuck happened to you" looks. 4x