Made with Love

How to Prevent Your Husband from Seeing a Pro

Gen. A big thanks for the heads up on the AlexaD article.

Alexa, what an interesting and informative site. I am going to take some time to read through everything. I didn't think I had so much to learn. Hope you tour to Toronto someday.
I'm late learning about this, but apparently, "Alexa di Carlo", the author behind The Real Princess Diary's blog was a guy posing as a sex worker/sex academic in San Francisco. He's been outed by the bloging community a few months ago.

Since I agree with a lot of what this blogger said, I thought I would let the community here know that the reference I gave in the OP was based on a fraud.
Madmax said:
Find it funny and skeptical that wives call her for advice, not sure if I buy it.

In hindsight, I'm skeptical as well. :he:
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