Made with Love

Is it necessary to write reviews?



We need to communicate the pros and cons constructively so that the membership is informed and the lady or agencies know what's going on.

Glowing reviews are fine with me.

I find distasteful is bashing a lady, just be polite in saying that services were sub par. The ladies have feelings too!
Jiggy, that is one hell of a review!:lol:

HOF said:
Glowing reviews are fine with me.

I find distasteful is bashing a lady, just be polite in saying that services were sub par. The ladies have feelings too!

I am not sure if I agree on the over the top glowing reviews. It's a terrible feeling when you read an over the top review only to walk in and find a sub-par looking SP that performs nothing like the OP claimed.

I do agree however that you can write a negative review without malice.
Guido said:
Jiggy, that is one hell of a review!:lol:

I am not sure if I agree on the over the top glowing reviews. It's a terrible feeling when you read an over the top review only to walk in and find a sub-par looking SP that performs nothing like the OP claimed.

I do agree however that you can write a negative review without malice.

Very well said Guido!
I believe the "over the top" glowing reviews are true actual feelings that was experienced. If there was great chemistry in the session, the physical attributes of the SP would be greatly enhanced. It shows that the reviewer is still excited even when he is writing his review.

From experience, I have entered a room and after sizing up the SP, was not impressed with her attractiveness. But upon leaving, after the session, felt that connection with the SP which greatly enhanced her overall attributes.

I agree, do not over-value the glowing reports or the bad reviews, but note strictly about the facts and what services were (or were not) provided. What I appreciate is knowing which provider does not serve the full menu as listed or which provider plays the YMMV card often.

I have not seen AlphaSophia (Sensual Encounters) based solely on the reviews that she seems to use the YMMV card often (too much of a hit/miss).

Guido said:
Jiggy, that is one hell of a review!:lol:

I am not sure if I agree on the over the top glowing reviews. It's a terrible feeling when you read an over the top review only to walk in and find a sub-par looking SP that performs nothing like the OP claimed.

I do agree however that you can write a negative review without malice.
Guido said:
I am not sure if I agree on the over the top glowing reviews. It's a terrible feeling when you read an over the top review only to walk in and find a sub-par looking SP that performs nothing like the OP claimed.

Not directing this at Guido or anyone else, just generalizing here....

What I've found in this situation is that a) looks will always be subjective to a very great extent, although great looking will always be just that - great looking to the obvious naked eye but b) sub-par performances after stellar ones are often due to the lack of chemistry and rapport established at the front end of any session.

When I read glowing reviews about performance, it always seems that it's never a 30min ground and pound, but at bare min and hour or more, and that the client put some concerted effort, not necessarilly lots of time, but an effort into building some interpersonal connection with the lady (be it through humor or some other means) BEFORE jumping her to start the action.

My personal sense is that many clients often lose sight of the fact that all services aside, these SPs are REAL PEOPLE with REAL FEELINGS, not automatrons / robotic fucking machines, which can certainly have an adverse effect on your session the more you trend in that direction.

Out of context, if you're genial, friendly and easy going with your waitress, more often than not she'll make your meal a memorable experience of fun, quality dining. Treat her like a confederate slave and she won't give a rat's ass if your food is cold, has the chef's snot in it, or gets delivered to the table any time within 4 hours of your arrival....if you act like a jerk, you'll be seen as a jerk, and the service you receive will suck, even if your waitress is drop dead gorgeous.
jiggyjiggy said:
I finished work today and decided to take a different route home. I walked up to my car and slowly grabbed the door handle, it felt so good. Smooth, a tad warm from the sun beating on it all day. I opened the door slowly and slipped my big ass into the soft warm seat. Swooshed around in there just to get the perfect position.

I started the car, and it was purring in my ear, oh baby, sounded so good as I started to accelerate down the street. I slipped my left hand down my pants to scratch my itchy balls, OH BABY, that felt so good too. I was scratching my left one and my right one became a bit jealous so I had to fondle it a bit too.

Within minutes I had my first sog and it was awesome I tell you, just awesome. I won't be repeating because my fucking 1989 Oldsmobile just blew a crank shaft in my FUCKING driveway!!!!

You can repeat but you'll just get a lot less mileage :razz: .
Smooth said:
Write it bro, always nice to see someone else's perspective.

I agree here.

Everyone has a different perspective and experience because everyone is different.

All reviews should be peer reviewed:
the should be supported by other reviews...and even dunked by other reviews.
Otherwise it this whole review business just becomes a marketing campaign rather than a true unbiased assessment.
We can make HUBGFE different and better than the other boards with sincerity free from ulterior motives.

No one should be crucified for their opinion or feared to be....unless of course they lack class or is distastful. This is a review board..a place of expression..good or bad.
If you support a review...say it..and write your own depicting why....with class of course
If you do not support a review...had a different experience...say it and write yours.
I do not have to say that all reviews should be constuctive and not malicous. IMO all these ladies are great and perhaps a "diservice" one may feel is due to chemistry and mechanics due to client preference and perception on both fronts. The SPs have feelings. Just think if the SP were to review you, how would you feel?

We are all bros and the SPs are like family (but not really...because it is totally cool if we play with them),
Keeping to the subject of unbiased reviewing:

I rarely see a bad review.
Is it because no one has bad experience? or they just don't want to write about it.
ChaosTheory said:
I rarely see a bad review.

There are a few on this site at end of a review if you don't see I will repeat, means its a bad review OP just does it tastefully.
Max said:
There are a few on this site at end of a review if you don't see I will repeat, means its a bad review OP just does it tastefully.

I wouldn't put to much stock in that . Many of us rarely do repeats regardless of how good the session was so there is no sense in putting "will repeat at the end " .
Max said:
There are a few on this site at end of a review if you don't see I will repeat, means its a bad review OP just does it tastefully.

Ditto that!
I enjoy hobbying and sharing/writing about my experiences - the effort is worth it. It's as simple as that.
Here's another spin - I'm curious to hear opinions you think if you are a frequent client of any particular agency, but don't write reviews, that the Agencies care? I mean, they are a business, so positive cash flow should make them happy. I'm sure good reviews help, but I wonder if the agency owners really care about reviews at all if their new business & repeat business is good, existing clients remain loyal, the business is consistent and shows positive growth quarter over quarter. As long as the clients keep coming in and spending money, I wonder if the agency owners really care about what people post publicly about the girls and the experiences themselves....Thoughts?
Demien2k5 said:
Here's another spin - I'm curious to hear opinions you think if you are a frequent client of any particular agency, but don't write reviews, that the Agencies care? I mean, they are a business, so positive cash flow should make them happy. I'm sure good reviews help, but I wonder if the agency owners really care about reviews at all if their new business & repeat business is good, existing clients remain loyal, the business is consistent and shows positive growth quarter over quarter. As long as the clients keep coming in and spending money, I wonder if the agency owners really care about what people post publicly about the girls and the experiences themselves....Thoughts?

One thing for sure they do care if its a negative review, as you mentioned about the Chef, would customers come back if food is mediocre?.
Demien2k5 said:
Here's another spin - I'm curious to hear opinions you think if you are a frequent client of any particular agency, but don't write reviews, that the Agencies care? I mean, they are a business, so positive cash flow should make them happy. I'm sure good reviews help, but I wonder if the agency owners really care about reviews at all if their new business & repeat business is good, existing clients remain loyal, the business is consistent and shows positive growth quarter over quarter. As long as the clients keep coming in and spending money, I wonder if the agency owners really care about what people post publicly about the girls and the experiences themselves....Thoughts?

Good point Demien also don't forget that not all their client base comes from review boards. I would say 70 % of their customers never see reviews nor know they exist. Any owner out there care to comment?.
Demien2k5 said:
Here's another spin - I'm curious to hear opinions you think if you are a frequent client of any particular agency, but don't write reviews, that the Agencies care? I mean, they are a business, so positive cash flow should make them happy. I'm sure good reviews help, but I wonder if the agency owners really care about reviews at all if their new business & repeat business is good, existing clients remain loyal, the business is consistent and shows positive growth quarter over quarter. As long as the clients keep coming in and spending money, I wonder if the agency owners really care about what people post publicly about the girls and the experiences themselves....Thoughts?

I think they do. How many times have we seen Andy, Steph, Peter, George, or Sarah step up in negative reviews, or put in even a small word of appreciation in a positive one. I think that practice has fallen out of fashion, but just based on the past I'd say they do care.
I have not written a review for every SP I have ever seen. I think that's because I was a member of the cerb board, which only likes 'recommendations,' not 'reviews.' Thus if I had a bad experience, or had some negatives in an overall positive experience, I would be gunshy to post.
Here, on the other hand, it seems everything is welcome.

I like reading the reviews, as they help me decide who I should see. And it has helped.
big.guy_13 said:
I have no written a review for every SP I have ever seen. I think that's because I was a member of the cerb board, which only likes 'recommendations,' not 'reviews.' Thus if I had a bad experience, or had some negatives in an overall positive experience, I would be gunshy to post.
Here, on the other hand, it seems everything is welcome.

I like reading the reviews, as they help me decide who I should see. And it has helped.

Welcome to the HUBGFE Family. We welcome your first review!
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