
Is that what my response alludes to...good to know..I see your response as just another one of your obsessive and pitiful attempts to slander me .......whats new

You really need to let this grudge go...it is clearly affecting your mental capacity, you now believe you can see into the lives and bedrooms of other people..or....maybe it's because of that "google degree" in mental telepathy you've recently acquired

. Either that, or you're just displaying another episode of one of your tantrums..It is funny to watch how angry a narcissist becomes when he's ignored...... As far as those who need their heads examined. Speak for yourself ...it was **YOU** who bragged on here about contriving a scheme to visit me back in 2016...imagine....2016 and here **YOU** still are ** TRYING** to "injure" me. with your bafflegab........and even before that, in 2015, while under your other handle ( LouisXIV) you prolifically posted your bafflegab towards many of my posts.(btw I like that word bafflegab)...again, since 2015...... think about that......2015.!!

.... and here you still are **TRYING**.....I think it's time you give up this obsession....but then again, you won't, and you won't because a narcissist can't stand being one upped, talked back to or laughed at....you've proved that in person, and you continuously prove that here.

And how dare you comment towards another's sexual safety after you started a thread bragging about your many conquests, and carry around the reputation of loving bare services.( specifically bbbj).... if you're so concerned about safety when it comes to sexual relations I suggest you start wrapping up that little wiener of yours and stop allowing those who swallow, to swallow your slime ( and NO for those wondering, I wasn't one of them)